Thursday, February 3, 2011

2 down, 47 to go - and this one almost made me blind

The second of 49 Perrette Samouiloff pieces for my shadow box/printer-type tray is done. 

I struggled with this one. Or rather, my eyes struggled. First, it was on fairly tightly woven fabric (32 threads per inch) and crossed over one thread. The first piece I did was on fabric with 28 threads per inch, so this one had 4 more threads per inch, which actually works out to one hell of a difference when you are crossing each thread individually.

Second there was a fair bit of white in the design, and while I thought I had chosen a fabric that would provide enough contrast, the white simply disappeared when viewed under my stitching lamp. Stitching it was like trying to find the lines on the road while driving in a snow storm.

But it is done and I think that given all the little screw ups that you all can't see, it is darned cute.

Details. Done with HDF silk threads on Sassy's Lugana Winter Winds 32 count, over one.

A woman on a forum I visit posted the link below earlier today. It is the online portion of an exhibit by the London Foundling Museum. From the page below, click on the "online exhibition" link and it will take you to a slide show with some very amazing and sobering photos. Each photo shows a snippet of cloth that was worn by a foundling when delivered to the old foundling hospital in London. Some photos also offer biographical information on the abandoned child. You will see that many of them date from the Georgian period, in the 1700s. I find it amazing that they were preserved for so long. 

It is a very moving and meaningful exhibit and I wish I could go to see it in real life. One more place added to my, "next time I go to London" list of things to do.

I actually found the timing of this to be fortuitous as I just finished reading the book, English Society in the Eighteenth Century, by Roy Porter. One of my weekend goals is to write a book review. You can hold me to it on Monday.

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